brave charity nz

Britney Pringle is competing in Miss Auckland 2023 and is raising funds to support Brave NZ, a cause that’s very close to her heart. As a young woman, she has seen firsthand the impact that sexual violence can have on a person’s life. When she learned about the incredible work that Brave NZ does to support survivors of sexual violence, she knew she had to get involved.

I had the pleasure of meeting Britney last month when she picked up one of our Natural Home Cleaning Kits that we donated to help raise funds for her cause. Find out more about Brave and how Britney is helping.

From Britney …

As someone who has always been passionate about helping others, I believe that every survivor deserves access to the support they need to heal and recover. The work that Brave NZ does to raise awareness in rangatahi (young people) and provide support to those affected is truly inspiring. That’s why I am asking for your help to raise funds for Brave NZ in my 2023 Miss Auckland journey.

Your donation, no matter how small, can make a real difference. Together, with my fellow contestants, we can help ensure that Brave NZ can continue to provide education to young people, and essential support services to those who need it most.

Brave Charitable Trust is an official charity of New Zealand, founded in 2018, and works to raise awareness about sexual violence affecting young people in Aotearoa while providing the appropriate tools to help those affected through their community projects.

I believe that by coming together and supporting Brave NZ, we can make a real impact in our community. Please consider donating today and support me in making a positive difference in the lives of survivors. Thank you for your support. Kia Kaha.

Britney Pringle’s involvement:

I’m fundraising for the charity Brave NZ, as finalist of Miss Auckland 2023.

Use of funds:

Funds will go towards running projects to help educate and support young people affected by sexual violence.

britney pringle

About Brave NZ …

Brave NZ is a charity organisation based in New Zealand that provides support and advocacy for survivors of sexual violence and abuse. The organisation was founded in 2018, and has since then been dedicated to creating a society free from sexual violence and abuse for the rangatahi (youth) of Aotearoa.

Brave NZ provides a range of services to survivors, including advocacy and support, counselling, education and training. The organisation works with a network of partners and service providers across New Zealand to ensure that survivors have access to the support they need. In addition, partnering with Safe to talk, Brave has a team of professionals who work with survivors and young people offering free, confidential and non-judgemental 24/7 support.

On top of their support services, Brave NZ works to raise awareness through educational workshops and campaigns aimed at changing attitudes towards sexual violence and promoting consent culture with Aotearoa’s young people. They engage with the wider community, schools, other charities, and the government through campaigns and events, providing education and resources on how to prevent and respond to these issues.

Overall, Brave NZ is a vital charity in New Zealand’s fight against sexual violence and domestic abuse. Their work is essential in providing support and advocating for survivors, as well as promoting education and awareness across Aotearoa.

Your support would make all the difference. Donations can be made here through Britney’s Give A Little page

or you can buy Brave apparel here