Feijoa ginger jam

Once again, we have an abundance of feijoas, so I wanted to reshare this delicious and easy recipe from a few years ago—no peeling required!

Simply top and tail the feijoas, cut them in half, and roughly dice them in a food processor. The skins add beautiful colour, texture, and flavour when cooked.

I found my first try at making this jam a little sweet so I reduced the quantity of sugar and added crystallised ginger and apple cider vinegar to give it more of a tang.

The result was a delicious zesty jam that’s great on crackers with cheese and even better on top of freshly toasted crumpets with crème fraîche – perfect to serve up on Mother’s Day for afternoon tea.

Best Ever Feijoa & Ginger Jam

1 kg feijoas

3 small lemons, squeezed, use only the juice

150g crystallised ginger, chopped

1/4 cup Green Goddess Apple Cider Vinegar

500g jam setting sugar

1 vanilla pod

1/2 tsp citric acid

1/4 cup hot water

Gently rinse feijoa in a large bowl of cold water with a little white vinegar added, drain. Top and tail all the feijoa leaving the skins on, cut in half and throw out any that are starting to go rotten. Make sure you have 1 kg of good feijoa, put them into the food processor and dice roughly.

In a pot on the stove combine all of the ingredients except for the jam setting sugar, add the feijoa and bring to the boil, making sure the mixture does not stick on the bottom of the pot. Once boiling stir in the jam setting sugar until dissolved, turn down and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove any foam that has appeared on the the top, pour into sterilised jars and seal.

**Make sure you have 4 -5 sterilised jars ready when you start to cook. This recipe makes about 8 cups. The easiest way to sterilise jars is to wash them in hot water with dish wash added, rinse thoroughly and place in the oven on 120c for 15 minutes. Cool the jars before putting the jam in.