Beet greens aren’t particularly spicy, but they can help spice up your love life!

Nature’s Viagra is the common beet green: used by the ancient Romans as an aphrodisiac due to the fact that when eaten they increase blood flow due to their nitrates. Per 100 grams, beet greens contain 177 milligrams of nitrates which help stimulate blood flow – and that includes blood flow to the to the genitals, thus boosting your libido.

Adding a beet green and rocket salad (rocket is also very high in nitrates, salad recipe below) to the menu for Valentines Day could be just what you need to ensure your night is one to remember!  However, spicing up your love life is not their only superstar quality; they’re actually ranked in the top 10 of the world’s healthiest foods.

Beet greens are an excellent source of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin K, they contain more iron than spinach and lutein, a naturally occurring carotenoid, which contributes to eye health. Studies have also showen that beet greens can help fight Alzheimer’s disease, strengthen your bones, ward off osteoporosis, and strengthen the immune system, their anti-inflammatory properties can also help with arthritis and pain due to inflammation.

The immense benefits of beet greens make it impossible to throw away the greens or buy plain roots. A single cup or serving of beet greens provides a wide range of nutrients that help to enhance the health of your body.

If you have a vegetable garden why not grow your own beetroot; they grow all year round and are fairly easy to look after, using seaweed fertiliser and making a raised mound to plant them in will ensure a good crop. The the best times to plant beets are March/April and July/August.

Beet Green & Rocket Salad

1 handful beet greens

1/2 large lemon, juiced

Gently toss the beet greens and rocket together, then get your parmesan cheese and a peeler and peel strips onto your salad, next combine the olive oil and lemon juice and drizzle over your salad when ready to serve. Add a little salt and pepper to taste.

One of the best ways to consume beet greens is in a smoothie, throw in a handful instead of kale or try this yummy recipe for beet green chips. If you’d like more information on the worlds healthiest foods take a look at this site