lovely display of autumn vegetables

Still struggling with summer’s indulgences? Maybe there’s guilt around back to work and back to school routines, and yet eating habits are still out of sync, and we are all aware that winter is approaching. It’s a tricky time to manage.

Join Paula Sharp, Nutritional Therapist in her next workshop which will help empower and prepare you for Autumn. This workshop is timely with the Autumn Equinox which was on the 21st March 2022.

From a Natural Nutrition perspective, Paula will cover;

Mindset to thrive through Autumn and harness the energy of the Equinox.

Nourishment, how we can alter our food choices to best suit Autumn and also techniques to curb sugar cravings. It’s time to get that ‘Sugar Monster’ back in the box.

Detox for the body. Explore simple swaps and changes to lighten your chemical load.

Workshop spaces are limited so sign up now. Tickets are only $10 per person.

We are also offering participants who are first time Green Goddess customers a 15% discount code off all Green Goddess branded products. Use code PAULA at check out.

Sign up here for Paula’s Autumn Nutrition and Wellness online workshop on the 14th of April, 7pm – 8pm (NZ).

Read more about the Autumn Equinox and the shift in seasonal nutrition:

The Potential of the Autumn Equinox?  It’s Ours!

We have danced through a summer of children’s holidays, evenings with friends, beaches and BBQ-ing through the weekends.  Now the season changes again with Autumn crisply in the air.  In 2022, the Southern Autumn Equinox falls on the 21st March and offers us great potential for change.  Equinox means ‘equal night’, when our day and night are pretty much 12 hours each.  It is the meteorological measure of the first day of Autumn.

To harness the energy of this Equinox we must stay focused and connected with what our bodies are telling us …  this is often ‘go more gently’ after the summer.  The energy of Autumn is grounding and contracting as the land around us prepares itself for winter.  The Equinox’s energetic change also heralds a change in health.  As a Nutritional Therapist, at this time of year I see a rise in cold and flu symptoms, tummy upsets and rashes.   This can be the body naturally detox-ing the lymphatic system, allowing elimination out through the skin, the bowels and mucus membranes and just making us stop and slow down in our busy lives.  A bad cold or flu should put us to bed to rest and recover.

How best to support ourselves in this time?

Hydration is key!  This is not only drinking water, but also the way the body absorbs and uses hydration, right down to its movement in and out of the cells. Broths and herbal teas are extremely useful to support hydration, while caffeine and alcohol are not.  With the weather cooling, drink warm water.  Add in your lemon, honey & ginger drinks as a little bit of preventative medicine.

Match your eating to the season.  Eat locally produced vegetables and immediately reconnect with the season you’re in.  The Autumn Harvest is rich with the last of the vine vegetables, an abundance of root vegetables and the more bitter of the leafy greens.  As our digestive systems slow down in the cooler months, tomato soup, cooked carrots, squashes, onions, garlic and potatoes are easy on the gut to absorb.  Kale, chard and leeks encourage the digestive enzymes into action.

What is the quality of your food?  Look at the levels of preservatives, sugar, salt, trans fats and pesticides that maybe hidden (or quite transparent) in your meals.  By reducing these and swapping to organic fresh produce, we remove a stress from gut and a chemical load that has to be processed elsewhere.

And of course, to just slow down and enjoy our moments.  Keep the balance of family life, work, exercise and personal space.  Breathe out the ‘hard stuff’ and breathe in the calm and the fun.

The Autumn Equinox can be a physical and emotional challenge or it can be a time to refresh, restock and rearrange ourselves for the colder months.  The potential is always ours to fulfil.
