You can use Apple Cider Vinegar in your salad dressings, add a teaspoon to your pets’ water bowl, and have a shot glass full if you’re feeling a bit off. Some people advocate drinking it every morning as a health tonic, and if you’ve been really ill or are feeling a bit the worse for wear, try taking a 1 tablespoon every morning mixed with a bit of warm water. Some people say they even begin to like the taste after a while.  Click here to read more on the health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Have a go at making it yourself to save money, as it can be quite expensive to buy. All you need is a bit of time and patience.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Enough cooking apples to fill a regular sized bucket
Boiling water
3 cups white sugar

Boil enough water to fill a plastic bucket. Let cool. Wash, chop and roughly process the apples – skins, cores and all – in your food processor. Add the cooled water and the apples to the bucket. Cover with a tea-towel or loose lid and stir daily for a week.

At the end of the week, strain and add the sugar to the liquid. Stir to dissolve.

Pour into a clean bucket and leave in a cool cupboard for two months. When the “mother” ( a sort of leather translucent skin) forms on top of the liquid, your cider vinegar is ready to strain.

Photo credit Natalie Collins