Anna's daughter veggie tree

Kickstart this Plastic Free July with inspiration from the amazing Anna from The Veggie Tree by joining her homemade household workshop this Sunday 7th, 2 – 5pm. Bring along your pre-teen/teenager for only $40 – what a great day out!

Anna will help you make your own beeswax wraps, deodorant, your choice of a moisturising body balm or healing balm, a self-care rollerball blend or Ouchy Oil, an all purpose household cleaner AND Water Kefir Grains to make a delicious and beneficial probiotic health drink, all while you enjoy Anna’s scrumptious homemade snacks.

I also highly recommend Anna’s gorgeous recipe book Abundance, one of my favourite recipe books. Abundance is the best of Anna’s seasonal recipes enhanced with everyday plant-based essentials made from scratch with whole foods, every recipe has the option to be made fully plant-based or gluten-free. You can order a copy of Abundance here.

From Anna …


To celebrate and encourage you this plastic free July we’re bringing back our homemade household workshop on Sunday 7th July!

We love making our own self-care, healing and cleaning products out of natural ingredients, essential oils and recyclable reusable glass jars and materials here @theveggietree HQ. Along with making less waste, and no nasty or toxic ingredients added, it is very satisfying making your own products, plus it saves you heaps of money in the long run.

My girls make our household cleaners using these recipes, we all use our own blend of essential oils in our deodorant that we refill as needed, and use the balms daily to feed our skin and sooth our ouchies, plus a daily glass of water kefir keeps our guts happy and healthy. The bees wax wraps aren’t just for lunch boxes and will last for many many years, and we can make extra large ones in my oversized oven! And last but not least I have a little surprise take home from @greengoddessnz eco products.

Together we will make Bees Wax Wraps, Homemade Deodorant, your choice of a moisturising Body Balm or a Healing Balm, a Self-care Rollerball Blend or Ouchy Oil and the best All Purpose Household Cleaner and Water Kefir Grains to make the most delicious and beneficial probiotic health drink, all to take home with you to kick start your road to using less plastic throwaway rubbish and benefit your health to boot!

Book here for $85.00 per person which includes take homes and recipe file of all above products, snacks and drinks | Option to include your pre-teen/teenager to join in on the class and make their own, body balm, deodorant, bee’s wax wrap and self-care rollerball for an additional $40.