aio wira retreat center

If you’re in need of a little break to disconnect from the stresses of life and reconnect with yourself then the Aio Wira Retreat Centre looks and sounds like the perfect place to do just that. They have options for silent retreats, yoga retreats, meditation, fasting retreats and restorative health workshops and can accommodate up to 20 people.

I haven’t made it there for a fasting retreat as yet but would love to! What a great way to cleanse and re-energise in this tranquil environment, in the meantime it’s wonderful to know that such a place exists nearby in West Auckland’s Waitakere Ranges.

Aio Wira Seminar and Retreat Centre

Aio Wira offers a natural sanctuary where you can escape the stresses of modern life for a while. Nestled within the beautiful native bush of the Waitakere ranges, it’s a place to breathe, meditate, heal, relax and learn within a group environment. 

Aio Wira Seminar and Retreat Centre is the perfect place for silent retreats, yoga retreats, meditation, fasting retreats and restorative health workshops. It’s a supportive environment to meet like-minded people on your wellness journey and engage in mutual learning experiences. Meals are catered for and enjoyed together, and the Centre’s accomodation and facilities are collectively shared.

If you are a health practitioner seeking a place to teach and facilitate group workshops, Aio Wira is ideally suited. They can accomodate up to 20 people comfortably. Meals are catered for and enjoyed together, and the Centre’s accomodation and facilities are collectively shared.

​At Aio Wira, they celebrate body, mind and soul and they are no new-comers to the block. Bio Wira have been celebrating health and wellbeing for nearly 50 years as a charitable trust.
Your wholeness, peace and vitality are important, so all food is vegetarian and they offer a drug-free and alcohol-free environment.

They follow no specific spiritual philosophy and welcome all.

For more information and to book click here.

From Aio Wira …

At this time when Matariki has just passed through our land, there is both celebration for the year gone by and sadness for some reflecting on those we have lost. There is also excitement and anticipation of a fresh new year ahead with the days getting longer as spring approaches and new beginnings.

I trust this finds you all well surviving these often-challenging winter months on our health. Many of you have attended our Fasts over this time, and enjoyed the spa, fire and sauna as well as the social time with likeminded Fasters. Others have been running a variety of health-related weekend retreats and courses. The place has been fully booked with weekends as busy as ever. There is no question that our beautiful Centre is thriving as usual and in great demand during weekends.

However, since COVID when Aio Wira was forced to close for a while, weekdays at the Centre have been quiet and empty. The Board have plans to grow its usage again.  We really want to bring the heart and warmth back again during the week with more community use and involvement. 

Fasting News

We have some new developments with our Fasting programme 

Kiri Lowe, who some of you have already met, has joined our Fasting Facilitator Team. Kiri brings a rich background in Naturopathy and Herbalism to her Fasting approach and has been attending Fasts as an understudy to our other Facilitators over the past year. Kiri is now ready to run her own Fasts encompassing her individual strengths, skills and style. We are very excited to include and welcome her onto our Team.

Louise Darragh, who has been off travelling and on other adventures over the past 18 months, is keen to return offering a different focused Fast entitled “Restore the Magic” encompassing Ayurvedic approaches, with healthy and raw food as well as juice Fasting. For all those fans and followers of Louise – watch this space!

The Fasts are very popular continuing to fill up monthly so if you haven’t already done so we encourage you to plan and pre book a place, so you don’t miss out. The single rooms book out very quickly. 

Kia tau te Rangimarie            May the peace

O Te Rangi e tu iho nei            Of the sky above

O Papatuanuku e takoto nei            Of the earth below

O te Taiao e awhi nei                Of the all-embracing universe

Ki runga I a tatou                Rest upon us all

Tihei Mauriora                Behold! It is life!

Nga mihi nui kia tatou katoa

Moi Becroft

(Aio Wira Chair)