I know many people suffer from rosacea and I am one of them. Unfortunately, the only thing that clears it up is a long three month course of antibiotics, which is annoying as I try not to take antibiotics if I can do without. Recently I’ve been getting a lot of outbreaks, so I started doing some research and found that they now think it is caused by tiny little mites living in the skin. And then I found an email a reader had sent me ages ago which told me about a new honey product which they had found works. So I bought some and tried it. You put it on your face twice a day for 15 minutes and then wash off for two weeks. The first thing I noticed was that my skin really loved it and was very soft. Then gradually the redness cleared and now it’s almost back to normal. So I’m going to keep using the mask as a preventative and to keep those mites at bay. The product is called Honevo Kanuka and is just honey with a bit of glycerin added. It is made by a company called which is putting a lot of work into researching the healing qualities of honey. Have a look at the Ted talk on their site. They also have products for acne and nappy rash. I think this is just great as an alternative to harsh pharmaceuticals and antibiotics and I encourage you to try it.