Remember the Lynx ad where a guy puts on some Lynx and then is chased by hoards of beautiful women? That is one of hundreds of ads we will no longer see thanks to a new decision made by Unilever (the company that makes dozens of beauty products such as Dove and Sunsilk) to drop all sexist stereotypes from its advertising. The company which is the second biggest advertiser in the world found that 40% of the women they surveyed said that they do not identify at all with the women they see in advertising with just 3% of ads feature women in managerial, leadership or professional roles – and are “disproportionately” represented in domestic roles. And 2% of their ads showed intelligent women.
Imagine being their head of marketing and commissioning this two year survey only to get these results! So a big thank you to them for finally realizing in 2016, more than 50 years after feminism took a stand that we are worth it!