When you have a young family, you realise just how important it is to protect the ones you love. We are exposed to so many harmful chemicals and toxins in our daily life, which are doing immeasurable damage to our health. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps that you can take to protect yourself and your family.

You can find out more at Mommy Authority; a great resource for all your health and wellness questions.

Take Off Your Shoes

Shoes that have been worn outside are one of the main culprits for bringing unwanted toxins into your home. When you get home in the afternoons take off your shoes immediately and switch to socks or slippers.

Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies

You will be surprised just how many artificial ingredients and toxins are included in the products you use to clean your home. Instead of wiping your counters down with a bleach multipurpose cleaner make a mixture of vinegar, water and a few drops of essential oil in a spray bottle and use that instead. Not only does it smell great but also it is safe for you and your family.

Or purchase ready made natural cleaning products from Green Goddess

Green Goddess rose multipurpose surface spray cleaners in glass

Ditch Your Non-Stick Pots And Pans

Non-stick cookware is coated with poly and perfluoroalkyl substances. Unfortunately, these chemicals have been associated with a myriad of health problems including infertility, thyroid disease, organ damage, and developmental problems. Switching to cast iron will not only help your food taste better but it will also keep your family safe.

Check Your Make Up

Cosmetics is one of the silent culprits that contain an excessive amount of harmful toxins. You really want the product that you apply to your face to be safe and free from harmful chemicals. Do a little research before you buy your next tube of lipstick and find a product that is safe for you and for the environment.

Green Goddess beauty products are completely free from toxins

Buy A Reusable Water Bottle

You may be exposing yourself to dangerous chemicals each time you take a sip of your bottled water. The plastic that is used to make disposable water bottles is designed to degrade over time, which is good for the environment but terrible for your health.

Stop Using Plastic Bags

One of the easiest things you can do to reduce the number of chemicals you bring into your home is to stop using single-use plastic bags at the grocery store. Keep a reusable shopping bag in your car. A great alternative for produce bags is mesh or paper bags that you can keep in your shopping bag.

Look For Mould

Mould sickness is a serious problem that leaves you with respiratory issues, red and watery eyes, and a runny nose. Air your house out regularly to keep it dry and make sure that high moisture areas like the bathroom are cleaned regularly.

Find out more about mould and how to deal with it in your home here, we recommend using Green Goddess Mould Magic to prevent mould from taking hold.

Read this article before painting over mouldy areas in your home, or this one for more information on how mould destroys houses.

Green Goddess Mould Magic mould inhibitor spray in glass bottles

Buy A Water Filter

Research seems to indicate that there are more than 700 different chemicals in normal drinking water that comes out of the tap. A filtration system will ensure that those chemicals do not come into contact with you or your loved ones.

The Bio 500 bench top water filtration system is one of the best bench top systems in New Zealand

bio 500 water filter 5.25L black

Get Rid Of Your Carpets

The carpeting in most homes is made from dangerous synthetic materials. They also trap dust and dirt, which then makes them the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Replace any synthetic carpets with tiling or linoleum and use natural fiber rugs over the tile. This is easier to keep clean and the best way to ensure that you are not walking over toxins every day.

Keep The Air Clean

Making sure the air in your home is clean and pure is the best thing you can do for your family. Invest in air purifiers, keep your windows open and keep potted plants in your home.

Always Wash New Clothes Before You Wear Them

When clothing is manufactured they go through many chemical processes and they are not washed before they go into the store. You definitely do not want those chemicals close to your skin. Make sure you wash any new items of clothing thoroughly before you wear them. It would be even better if you bought all your clothing second hand.  That way you are protecting your health as well as the environment.

To ensure all chemicals are removed from your clothes by adding 1/3 cup Green Goddess Premium Soda Ash to an average sized load and wash on regular.