Are you still buying water in a bottle? Following on from the UK’s sugar tax, perhaps there should now be some bans placed on bottled water sales. Some cities in the US have already banned the sale of bottled water less than a litre, and in Montreal they are considering restrictions on where bottled water is sold.
The reason is simple, plastic is ruining our environment and years ago people drank water from a tap, not a plastic bottle which would then float in our oceans and fill our landfills.
Here are some things to think about next time you buy a bottle of water:

  • The water used to fill those bottles is depleting valuable groundwater stores. Water is fast becoming a natural resource we can’t take for granted.
  • Plastic bottle manufacturers use fossil fuel oil to make the bottles.
  • Tap water in New Zealand is closely monitored and is just as safe, if not safer than bottled water.
  • If you don’t like the taste of tap water, buy a filter jug or install a filter to your tap at home.
  • Purchase a BPA free bottle and refill it from the tap or filter. Store in the fridge to keep it cold. I use a glass bottle.
  • If you like sparkling water, buy a Sodastream and make your own from filtered water.
  • There are more than 130 studies which suggest that BPA exposure at very low doses is linked to a number of health problems, including prostate and breast cancer, obesity, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, brain damage, altered immune system lowered sperm counts, and early puberty.