This tip is one your Grandmother may have used to alleviate tooth pain temporarily, Wendyl initially shared it in her best-selling book Recipes For  A Cleaner Life.

“Did you know you can temporarily replace a lost filling in your tooth with a piece of wax from a candle and save yourself some pain until you can see the dentist?”

All you need to do is take a small piece of wax that is around the same size as the missing filling.

Simply heat the wax until it is pliable and carefully cover the exposed area. This will stop air, liquid and food distressing the area further. Chew on the other side of your mouth to prevent your wax filling from coming out.

It’s best to use a natural soy candle that is scented with pure essential oils, not fragrance. Once you’ve reduced the pain head along to your dentist as soon as you can for professional help.